AKA garbanzo beans. In full unadorned loveliness. The stuff of hummus. Where have you been all my life and why has it taken me so long to discover you? Available dried or canned. Excellent in soups, salads, as a side or a snack or in this case a snack that turns directly into another snack connected to another snack, and so on, until they're entirely gone and you go, "Well, I guess that was a meal, then, wudn'it?"
Recommendation: Beano™ before starting off. Wouldn't do to drive out your loved ones.
These were dried because I like watching dried things soak up water and because it gives me a chance to infuse them with salt while they're soaking. Sort of like Sea Monkeys. Except bigger. And not swimming. Then cooked, although already soft, they get even softer and yet another chance to infuse them with salt in case the first infusion was insufficiently salty. I cooked mine in a pressure cooker because I like to play with the thing and because it's fast. Get it up to pressure, let it go for a few minutes, cut the heat, and let the pressure subside. Pop it open and your face is filled with the aroma of chick pea. They're irresistible, just plain like this, but you can doll them up however you wish. You could spend a lifetime experimenting with curries.
These were intended for another batch of hummus, but I can see they don't stand a chance of making it that far.